Are Your Cosmetics is HALAL?

Beauty is divine”. Millions of people use various types yang brand of cosmetics that are available in markets. They use them on their daily basis in order to face the world confidently. Some cosmetic are consumed by eating and some of them are applying directly to our skin. Since Muslim is the biggest population among Malaysians, most of them are concern either the products are Halal or Haram.

Halal is an Arabic term referring to permissible according to the Islamic Law. Halal product is fit to consume by Muslim people. It can be for food, cosmetics, healthcare and personal care products. Thus, study about the critical ingredients that might be extracted from the haram source, such as pig and its derivatives has developed special attention among researchers.
Generally, cosmetic ingredients are the mixture of oils, chemicals, fragrance, vitamins, proteins, organic plants, herbs which are believed to be more effective. Nevertheless, are all the cosmetic ingredients 100% synthetically produced? In this topic, we will discuss more detail on the ingredients which are probably derived from pig, such as Glycerine, Hyaluronic Acid, Lactic Acid, Stearic Acid and Allantoin.

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Is Non-Alcoholic Beer Halal?

Low-alcohol beer is beer with low alcohol content or no alcohol, which aims to reproduce the taste of beer without the inebriating effects of standard alcoholic brews1. In 2011, flavored beer from the Middle East had been found and advertised as non-alcoholic. There is no halal beer in Islamic law. Any beverage that contains alcohol is considered not halal2.

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Awareness on Halal Gelatin Based Product

What is gelatin made of and its functional application


Gelatin, also known as gelatine is obtained from the bones, skin, tendons and ligaments of animals usually cattle or pigs. [1] It is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceutical drugs, photography, and cosmetic manufacturing. It is found in most gummy candy, as well as other products such as marshmallows, gelatin desserts, and some ice creams, dips, and yogurts.[3]


Gelatin market demand

The global gelatin market is projected to reach $3.2 billion and 486 metric kilotons by 2020, according to a 2015 report by Grand View Research. Muslim spend accounted for an estimated 17 percent of total global food and beverage expenditure in 2014, but less than 3 percent of gelatin is made from halal or permissible ingredients. Gelatin has become one of the most crucial issues for food industry whether it is used as an ingredient or as a binding agent, accounting for 28 percent of the total gelatin market value which implying a $0.8 billion market in 2015. [2]Read More